Three classes held today - midday training at Mito and evening training at Tsukuba
Morning class
Sankyo and yonkyo from katate dori.
On sankyo urawaza make sure you are parallel to your partner before performing the spinning part. On imote use three steps to pin, where 1) is stepping around 2) is step back on the other leg 3) is the pin.
Afternoon class
Irimi nage 3 breakouts shomen uchi on the move
Evening class
Ikkyo omote and uruwaza and nikkyo urawaza only from morote dori.
Ki musubi no tachi - a blending technique which is separate from the five kumi tachi
Aikido Iwama Uchideshi
This Blog originally tracked a three month period during which time I undertook training in Iwama under the supervision of Nemoto Sensei. We also trained at the Shibu Dojo, O'Sensei's Dojo in Iwama located in the Ibaraki Prefecture of Japan.
I have returned this time for a shorter three week stint in January 2011.