This evening was the last Keiko with Inagaki Sensei for the trip. Every single class that of his that I have been present at he was spent at least 5-10 mins talking about reigi and specifically proper bowing etiquette. Stressing the importance of making eye contact before, and after, not dipping the head so that peripheral vision is lost and making sure the bow is done awase, also bowing, stopping for a couple of seconds at the bottom then coming back up, he also talking about keeping the back straight, and the head in line with the back. Then he discussed from an old Aikido text book, the proper way to stand up and sit down out of seiza. Up, left foot then right foot, down, left foot then right foot.
We then continued with the theme Katate-dori Kokyu-nage. Completing the series 21-23.
21 Using kokyu to take the balance up stepping forward and use kokyu on inside elbow step forward and throw. This is the version if the nage blocks the atemi to their face
22 Step forward to atemi face, then grab lapel and pull back going down onto back knees, front knee up at right angles, hips remain forwards
23 ki no nagare, as uke steps in to grab, nage step back a draws up like a wave then projects towards nage's centre with the wrist bent forwards and the arm and hand relaxed.
After class I requested a photo and everybody was kind enough to placate me !!