Just a quick one before bed.
Tonight was the weekly uchideshi party. Nemoto Sensei and I, we had some good chats. The language barrier wasn't really an issue at all. I had my laptop with google translator open and Nemoto Sensei had his little translator, but for the most part we understood each other quite easily. Oku-sama (Nemoto's Sensei wife) joined us a bit later on. When watched some You-tube videos together of various things, mostly martial arts and chatted about Aikido and other martial arts.
I showed Nemoto Sensei some pics from back home, at work, Lara, family. We chatted about Perth and I used Google Earth (what a wonder) to show him my home and around Perth.
I also gave Nemoto and Oku-sama the gifts I brought for them,, as nice tie and scarf. Aboriginal dot painting designs.
I am also starting to wonder if Aikido shouldn't broaden its attack syllabus to include the likes of MMA style take downs, kicks, and various other grappling holds? Well executed straight punches also seem to be poorly represented in most styles/dojos.
I realize that with good training, sound principles are sound principles, but never the less there is nothing like hands on training to know how something feels and works, or doesn't?
Aikido Iwama Uchideshi
This Blog originally tracked a three month period during which time I undertook training in Iwama under the supervision of Nemoto Sensei. We also trained at the Shibu Dojo, O'Sensei's Dojo in Iwama located in the Ibaraki Prefecture of Japan.
I have returned this time for a shorter three week stint in January 2011.