At the shibu dojo with Inagaki Sensei we continued the theme of Kokyu-nage, from katate dori, after a quick review of the previous 9 variations we then practiced a further 5.
10 Iriminage (style) pulling the shoulder back on itself grabbing their hand
11 Iriminage (style) tenkan as in the morote-dori kokyu-ho ura version
12 (Tenchi-nage style) Sweeping the leg away one handed (tenchi-nage style)
13 (Tenchi-nage style) Kokyu under chin
14 Enter turning elbow over as you tenkan, with hand at elbow no lower use kokyu to drive their head down and throw them.
I believe there are a few more to come from katate-dori, with a bit of luck we will finish the series (katate-dori) before I leave in just over a week from now.
Aikido Iwama Uchideshi
This Blog originally tracked a three month period during which time I undertook training in Iwama under the supervision of Nemoto Sensei. We also trained at the Shibu Dojo, O'Sensei's Dojo in Iwama located in the Ibaraki Prefecture of Japan.
I have returned this time for a shorter three week stint in January 2011.