
Aikido Iwama Uchideshi

This Blog originally tracked a three month period during which time I undertook training in Iwama under the supervision of Nemoto Sensei. We also trained at the Shibu Dojo, O'Sensei's Dojo in Iwama located in the Ibaraki Prefecture of Japan.
I have returned this time for a shorter three week stint in January 2011.

Party with Doshu

So today the Doshu and his entourage came to Iwama. There is always a lot of cleaning, fussing, organizing, confusion and normally descends into a little bit of chaos. It all came to together in the end. The Doshu normally comes to Iwama about once a month, not sure what if any the exact occasion of this particular visit was.

It began with some prayer recitals at the Jinja, followed by a lunch/party in the Dojo itself. Many of the guests gave short speeches prior to lunch, including the Doshu. Then lunch followed with more octopus than you could possibly eat in one sitting, although we tried. We also had sticky rice pudding, made the traditional way, of beating the crap out of it with large wooden hammers in a very large mortar.

Once the eating was essentially over, the Doshu left and then more speeches ensued, in age descending order. There is a particular formula to these occasions as I understand it. It is either a round of anecdotal/funny speeches, taking in turns to do a little dance, or taking it in turns to sing a song. Or a combination of all three.

The event finished at about 4.00pm, the after party then commenced. I decided to pass on this occasion. No training tomorrow morning, as Monday is the official day off for the Aiki-House deshi, but training at Shibu-Dojo tomorrow evening. I am about half way through my stay in Iwama. Hopefully will get through lots more Bukiwaza before I leave. Robin Jinks will come to train on tuesday morning, which will be nice as will have the chance to go through some Tai-jitsu with Nemoto Sensei. It seems to have warmed up a bit now it has snowed. Adds a bit of insulation to the roof too !!